
Save My Communicator

I am a Mobile Blogger. I post my blogs from the comfort of my Nokia 9300. Yeah The Communicator. It is old and dying and you can help me save it by donating any sum of money. Email me at kumarbac (at) gmail (dot) com and we can always work out the other details.

The Seventh Chennai Photowalk The Photos

Went for the Seventh Chennai Photowalk on Sunday. It was loads of fun because

1. We started early. 0600 hrs on Sunday was quite nice.
2. There were people around us and it feels nice when there is so much activity.The kind of people I saw was so varied.(Like the Maami wearing Saree and shoes and taking her routine morning walk)
3. This time my cousins Ajay and Aishwarya joined me.
4. Took some nice pictures.( Click Here for The Photos)
5. I really like the thatha(oldman with intense stare, lighting a cigarette),the one where Santhome Basilica has a Halo .(Oh!!!it is just the Sun), and the Photo of MTC's 12B Bus Service.(I almost got runover taking that photo) and of course the homeless old lady, really touched a nerve.
But the most interesting part was that we were joined by two really wonderful people. PriyaBabu and her friend. They are actually Aravanis (Transexuals). It is such a tough life for them. But they live it with a smile. And we had a wonderful conversation. Was so engrossed in the conversation I forgot to capture them with the oldest digital camera in the photowalk.
If anyone wants to help them in any form do leave a comment and I will pass on their contact information.

Dilip has some really good Pictures of them.

Am Still figuring out Flickr Options!!!

Another Sunday well spent.

Group Picture Courtesy Kunal Daswani
Thanks to Bitter Scotch for pointing out "The lack of courtesy"



15 May 2008 at 11:00

Ah, so you were the tripod guy?

  The Pseudonym

16 May 2008 at 08:18

@bitterscotch Sorry thats not me.Forgot to acknowledge Kunal Daswani(The tripod Guy).Thanks for bringing it to my notice.


16 May 2008 at 15:47

Yep! Had fun!
Waiting for the 8th Photowalk! :)

  The Pseudonym

16 May 2008 at 20:59

Yeah, Me the waiting too.As I said the Time we started for the 7th walk was heavenly. And I made talk with some really nice people.

  Angry young woman

24 May 2008 at 19:57

It was a nice morning, thanks to u for the engaging time we had...it was kinda my way of saying goodbye to chennai I guess :)

  The Pseudonym

24 May 2008 at 21:52

Hey Ais, Great spending time with you. Yes it was a wonderful morning. I had lots of fun with you guys. Thanks for spending time with me and also watching "Kuruvi" for the second time with me.Upload the pictures your clicked into FLICKR. CHEERS!!!