Sometimes you go watch a movie, go home and can't figure out how to classify the movie. Was it Funny??? Was it a wee bit twisted???I can't find the right words to describe what I saw today.
I did realize one thing though, I laugh at the weird jokes. People are sitting and watching the villain say "Hello Hello" into his phone at the beginning of a conversation and "OK OK" as he finishes it. I am laughing in my seat, there are tears coming out of my eyes, I would have rolled on the ground with laughter, if there had been enough space** to do so. I look around as I wipe the tears of laughter. No one else seems to be laughing.
Flashback, (Please take a Tortoise mosquito coil and swirl it around for the proper effect.) Almost 22 years ago. Some Cinema Hall playing Laurel & Hardy or Charlie Chaplain movies. A younger, leaner and head full hair version of me is watching the movie. The joke is over, people have stopped laughing but there I am bent over in my seat and laughing. Tears coming out of my eye. But yes, then there was space** to roll on the ground and laugh, and yes I have rolled.
A lot of me has changed. But I let myself go when I have to laugh. It keeps the insane side of me sane and I am happy about it.

That was the first of my Million plus visits to the principal's office. But each time it was because I laughed at the wierdest things.
**Space in cinema halls have become so cramped that I don't have the freedom of movement. So I try to avoid going to the cinemas. Real Estate Prices and population Rises are the cause for the cramped space today.
***When I was in my Eleventh class I asked my History Master why he pronounced Pharaoh as Pharodah? and he told me how he studied in a Tamil Medium School and in Tamil, Pharoah is pronounced as Pharodah. (I have not been able to verify it.Any truth in it????)
"Am not an athlete nor am I a rat to run races. I do it My Own Way (MOW), Just MOWing." - My Words.
28 February 2008 at 20:22
he must hav meant pharaoh-da .. we in the southside of thngs revel in da-fying everyone and everythign..
enna sola da .. wat say I mean :D
9 March 2008 at 09:33
Haha, this was a delightful little post :) There was this time I went for a play and guffawed so hard when some guy got up from his seat & accidentally walked into a wall, I disturbed the actors on stage ! Lol!
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