I am a Mobile Blogger. I post my blogs from the comfort of my Nokia 9300. Yeah The Communicator. It is old and dying and you can help me save it by donating any sum of money. Email me at kumarbac (at) gmail (dot) com and we can always work out the other details.
June 28, 2008 at 22:30 Written by The Pseudonym
June 16, 2008 at 15:13 Written by The Pseudonym
I have been in this city for 29 Years now. But there are a lot of places I have never been to. Topping the list would be Panagal park and I finally got to visit the park (It was the starting point of the 8th Chennai Photowalk.) Suprisingly the park is clean. There were even a few people who had come there to spend their evening.. I landed inside Panagal Park really early(Keeping up with my craze for punctuality) and was introduced to a Sharanya Manivannan by Chandroo, I actually needed 10 minutes to figure out who she is. I think I should get myself admitted to some Old Age Home.
Photographers started gathering around the bust of King George V and the walk started out at about 1730 hrs. Lots of fun. We stopped at Madras Bhel Puri for a snack break at about 1900 hrs before continuing towards the Residency Towers which was our Destination.
Dilip has been working with the Aravanis( If you don't remember Priya Babu from the 7th Chennai Photowalk click here) and the Aravanis need funding to setup an office. Dillip is passionate about his work and he gave a long talk about the History of the Aravanis and the problems they are facing (which will need a post by itself)
The walk ended at about 2000hrs. As usual "A Sunday Well Spent"
Yes We will be doing the walk again on June 22nd 2008, do join us. It is fun guaranteed and you might even find Long Lost Friends and Old Neighbours. (I met Aravind during the 6th Photowalk and yesterday I met Pradeep.)
Click here for my Flickr Photostream.
June 12, 2008 at 18:39 Written by The Pseudonym
June 09, 2008 at 00:59 Written by The Pseudonym
June 06, 2008 at 09:47 Written by The Pseudonym
Announcements Announcements... This is what I have made out of this blog space. This has become like the poor walls of Chennai where different political party and cinema posters are posted.Posters which shout out to the poor denizens of this city to go watch movies or to attend a party meeting. Some posters which never escape your eye are the ones which advertise for Moolam(Piles) and this particular poster has a list of other male genital related diseases which can be cured.
Well I am really a blah blah writer who lacks focus and makes spelling and grammatical mistakes. (Hey Why am I going off tangents...) Habit I suppose.
So The Indiblogger's meet is happening this Sunday.(Finally) the meet which has been proposed by Lemonade, sponsored by Microsoft, and organized by the Indiblogger Team is supposed to bring bloggers together so that they can interact exchange notes, have lots of fun and ofcourse make friends.
I was questioned a few days back by a septic...oops sceptic about the relevance of blogs and why do people need to blog. Is it not a waste of time and energy which
could probably be used for more useful activities. Should not the younger generation be going out and interacting and meeting people instead of blogging. I just had this to tell him,
Me - Why do people need education?
Him - To gain knowledge, to make money later.
Me - Those, are very interesting answers if and only if
you are talking to someone who is painfully stupid.
Him - What do you Mean?
Me - Because of the simple fact that you need none of those to have a life. And it makes me sad that you would be so ignorant.
Him - Explain please...
Me - If you think knowledge is got through education then it is a big NO. Experience is Knowledge and life is a sum of your experiences Going through life everyday, falling down, jumping with joy, being sad, loving someone dearly, hating someone fiercely. All these will add up to a life. So that when you have to leave this world, you will be a fulfilled man.
Him - So how is education related to blogging?
Me - It is related and you have to experience it. But you being an professor can't explain why people get educated.And it is your bread and butter and jam and cheese. Why do I have to explain about the relevance of blogs and why people need to blog. Some things simply can't be explained for example If I tell someone that doing a 180kmph in my car is an exhilarating experience, how would he/she know what I wanna convey unless he/she has had a similar experience. So If you don't understand something please don't question it's relevance and why the younger generation needs to do it. Try to Experience it. And you will simply be overwhelmed Life is very simple and things like generation gap which causes you to ask irrelevant questions is because you are scared of change. You want your children to do the same things you did. Because you think life is some kind of formula...
The person was actually stunned and did not know what to say. I was stunned and all I could say was "Excuse me, could you put these posters up please." And all he did was nodded his head and gave me a big smile. I hope the posters did not end up in the trash can. Because it was the Indiblogger Posters announcing the meet. WIll update once I go there and check it out.
Also the 8th Chennai Photowalk has been announced by Selective Amnesia. It is an interesting route, it's happening in the evening starting 1700hrs and it is happening on two Sundays the 15th and the 22nd of June. So come loaded with your cameras and the one with the oldest digital camera will get a special gift from me. If you are interested in taking part please leave a comment.
The Indiblogger.in logo has been grabbed from the Indiblogger Website.
June 01, 2008 at 00:00 Written by The Pseudonym
Minyx v2.0 template es un theme creado por Spiga.