I say "I have always hated being under the limelight. Am not a very public person. So crying and making ruckus was to avoid that photo being taken. They say Children are God but I was negotiating the price of my soul, with Satan even then."
I am a Mobile Blogger. I post my blogs from the comfort of my Nokia 9300. Yeah The Communicator. It is old and dying and you can help me save it by donating any sum of money. Email me at kumarbac (at) gmail (dot) com and we can always work out the other details.
January 29, 2008 at 10:51 Written by The Pseudonym
Labels: Aravind, Chennai, Funny, Humour 0 Comments
January 28, 2008 at 23:23 Written by The Pseudonym
Labels: Alcohol, Funny, Humour, Sunaina, The Bachelors Club, Venugopal 0 Comments
January 21, 2008 at 23:33 Written by The Pseudonym
Labels: Alcohol, Aravind, Chennai, Conversations, Funny, Humour, Nandagopal, Whisky 0 Comments
at 20:27 Written by The Pseudonym
Who is Saroja? Why do I always keep saying Saroja Saman Nikalo? So many have wondered and a few have even asked me. So to all the ignorant people.
Saroja was my Girlfriend in a previous birth. And we had an live in relationship. But one day she was not very happy with the way things were going and she propsed to me. Gawd... Now thats a sin ain't it. So I told her "Saroja Saman Nikalo..." ( Saroja Pack your stuff...). Thats the story for you.
Well they say that Karma follows you birth after birth. (Karma is just the reaction to your action) So now I am not happy with any of the women I meet. They are simply not my kind. Chatter Boxes I hate. and Invariably most women I have met are such chatter boxes that a few minutes into the conversation I am wondering if it is a Dialogue or a Monologue I am having. And women are surely not attracted to a person who is bald, has his ears pierced and thinks he is GOD.
So women hate me. It has been a given in my life till now. Some of my girl friends found a small part of me which they thought was a good person and thought they could find my lost soul, but sorry people. I have never been completely true with any one girl in particular.
Yeah, It is fun, when you have sold out to SATAN.
Labels: Aravind, Funny, Humour, JLT 0 Comments
January 11, 2008 at 05:46 Written by The Pseudonym
You're born, you take shit.
Get out in the world, you take more shit.
Climb a little higher, you take less shit.
Until one day, you're in the rarefied atmosphere,
And you've forgotten, what shit even looks like.
Welcome to the Layer Cake.
From the movie Layer Cake.
Labels: Aravind, JLT 0 Comments
January 04, 2008 at 17:28 Written by The Pseudonym
Labels: Aravind, JLT 0 Comments
at 08:32 Written by The Pseudonym
Labels: Aravind, Funny, Humour, JLT 0 Comments
at 00:57 Written by The Pseudonym
Labels: Aravind, Funny, Humour, JLT 0 Comments
January 03, 2008 at 23:25 Written by The Pseudonym
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